nate picone

Content Creator SMA

Content Creator SMA

Designing a social-media type application for content creators of all types to build communities around their creations.

The content Creator Social Media Application (SMA) will compete with the likes of Patreon and similar platforms, where creators can post their digital creations and choose to offer their work for free, on a subscription basis, or on a fee-per-item basis.

These platforms often carry terms and conditions that can restrict the user's creativity, and I have seen several instances where creator friends have lost their account, community, and uploaded work after a platform provider has changed their Ts and Cs to disallow legal and ethical content, but content that is presumably controversial for the platform's shareholders.

The concept of this platform is to remain legal and ethical, while not posing a similar threat to creators. I believe artists and creators need a safe and predictable platform to explore artistry without fear.
