This site
- Project ID: 3
- Project slug: np-website-v4
- Status:delivered
- GitHub Repo:Yes
- Production URL:Published here
Is a developer ever happy with their profile webiste? Version 4 and counting.
The fourth iteration of my personal branding website, and I'm happy with progress being made and that each is better than the previous. This iteration pushed my understanding of Next.js and added to an ever-growing skillset here.
I am enjoying Next.js a lot, and while I initially found the concepts of React challenging, Next.js has helped build on Node.js and ExpressJS knowledge, and helped make sense of React. This has aided in furthering my development - something I always look to improve on.
This page runs a front end and integrated back end, with a basic sqlite database. As I start expanding the blog and project pages, this will be migrated to remote SQL instance.